Saturday, 5 March 2016
Third of TKMS built F125 class Frigate “Sachsen-Anhalt” Christened for the German Navy
The third of a total of four 125 class frigates for the German Navy was christened “Sachsen-Anhalt” today at the Hamburg site of thyssenkrupp Marine Systems. Following the christening of the first two frigates “Baden-Württemberg” in December 2013 and “Nordrhein-Westfalen” in April 2015 this is a further important milestone in the shipbuilding program for this frigate class. Dr. Gabriele Haseloff, wife of the premier of the state of Saxony-Anhalt after which the frigate has been named, performed the christening ceremony in the presence of high-level representatives from government, the German Navy and the companies involved.